Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why travel to Disney when the kids are little?

One of the things I hear parents say most often is that they want to wait until their kids are older to go to Disney World.  The main reason is that they want their kids to remember the experience.  I say why wait?  Go now!

Reason 1:
Kids are free until their 3rd birthday.  This applies to both tickets and buffet meals. If you are traveling on a budget, this is an excellent way to save a few $$$.

Reason 2:
Memories that last a lifetime.  Will your child remember every single event?  No.  But you probably will.  And what you don't remember can be relived through photographs.  I first went to Disney at age 3.  I was so confused upon returning as an adult and not seeing the Skyway. I thought maybe I had made it up, until I saw old pictures.

Reason 3:
It's easy.  This may sound strange, but it actually is.  Going to Walt Disney World has got to be one of the easiest vacations with little ones.  Trust me on this.  Everything is geared towards kids.  And, with rare exception, there are few companies out there that go to the extra mile to create an overall experience.

Reason 4:
It's fun for both kids and adults.  Most of us love watching our children's faces as they experience new things.  But it goes beyond that.  There are great restaurants and even a bit of a nightlife (I will post later about child care at Disney).

Reason 5:
Meeting the characters.  Our kids watch Disney movies and the Disney channel so they are pretty familiar with most of the characters.  When my 1 year old saw Minnie Mouse for the 1st time, he simply lit up.

We only have one life.  I figure, why not enjoy it?  If we always wait for the perfect time, the opportunity might pass us by.

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